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Join us in supporting kids with cancer

We're giving away up to $2000 worth of free bento products!

This spring, I will be participating in the Sporting Life 10K run in Toronto to raise funds for kids and families affected by childhood cancer. 

When you donate to this worthy cause, Cute Kid Stuff will THANK YOU by doubling your donation with FREE GIFTS of equal value! 

$10 Donation = $20 in Bento Gifts!
$25 Donation = $50 in Bento Gifts!
$50 Donation = $100 in Bento Gifts!

***Any amount accepted. Please see instuctions below!


To participate:

  1. Use THIS LINK to make a donation of any amount (THANK YOU!!)
  2. Email us to let us know about your donation. This step is required to receive your free gifts.

If placing a order:

  • Email us before or immediately after ordering so we can pack the gifts with your order (no extra shipping cost)

If not placing a order:

  • Donations $100+: Free gifts (valued at $200+) will be shipped for free.
  • Donations under $100: A $10 shipping fee applies (we'll send you an invoice).

For local pickup (Vaughan, ON):

  • Free gifts (any $ amount) can be picked up at no charge.

Thanks for joining Cute Kid Stuff in supporting this worthy cause!